
Birgess Weston

Cohort 8

My experience at IxD has been different than my experience at my past college: here we work as groups, before I have never worked on group projects and mainly worked individually. In IxD, so far, I've had the chance to work in a group setting as well as learn valuable project management skills to work with others. I cherish this because it has brought more interactivity in designing projects. Another thing I love about this program is we are often challenged to think outside the box and not get stuck on a definite problem and solution in the beginning. This lets us explore more options and design an innovative product.

Alison Parrales

Cohort 8

Within the IxD program, I've found immense support from our faculty and a comprehensive curriculum that has shaped my personal and professional growth. From the beginning, the program has provided us with various design challenges spanning different areas of interaction design. Through these projects, guided by our instructors, I explored diverse viewpoints and found a passion for using design thinking and technology to tackle social issues and drive positive change. For instance, we designed an app to boost local small businesses and preserve the history and culture of their neighborhood, and a more recent project focused on personal health and food waste reduction. These hands-on experiences not only polished my technical skills but also showed me the real-world impact of design, helping me set clear career goals that align with my values. As I head towards my senior year, I'm thankful for the growth opportunities and support I've found here. The faculty's encouragement and the IxD community of peers and mentors have given me the skills and experiences I need for success, filling me with purpose and direction.

Arthur Jensen

Cohort 8

Before joining the program, my experience with interaction design was limited to a few projects. Throughout my time in the program, I've gained a much better understanding of what it truly means to be an interaction designer. Initially, my understanding of design focused primarily on visual communications and graphic design. However, I have come to realize the importance of other areas within the design process, such as project management, research, storytelling, marketing, and implementation. The world of design is vast and encompasses so many different facets, and I have been excited to delve into all these areas during the program. As I continue to explore and learn, I am discovering the aspects of design that I enjoy the most!

One of the most valuable aspects of the IxD program is definitely the connections and friendships I have formed. The support I receive from both my peers and faculty when facing challenges helps so much. I love it when we bring food to share and snack on during class. It's reassuring to know that I am not alone in navigating this field and that I have a community to ask for help. I also find inspiration in seeing what my classmates are working on and the problems they are trying to solve. The opportunity to connect with other creative individuals has been truly amazing!

Hunter Moranville

Cohort 7

Coming back to school wasn't an easy decision, especially after a few exciting years working in the film industry. But I knew that I wanted something better for myself, and I knew I wanted to be a UX / UI / Product designer. There were a few options I was considering; learn UX by myself, take a bootcamp, or get a degree at SMC IxD. I figured I would give SMC a shot and applied, and I'm so glad that I did! The experiences, knowledge, and mentorship I have gained while in the program have been invaluable to my success as a designer. When I got into the IxD ecosystem I was blown away by the amount of support and resources that was available to me; there was equipment I could use for free, people who give great feedback and were eager to help, and opportunities - so many opportunities. My experiences in IxD have allowed me to shape my journey as a budding business owner, and made me into a better creative professional. I'm incredibly excited for the future, and so glad to have this experience under my belt!

Maddison Nielsen

Cohort 7

As a journalism school dropout in my mid-20s, when the pandemic hit and I was out of a job, I felt like I had no future. I had a lot of skills and interests, sure, but there was nothing uniting these skills into a complete package. I had been in and out of classes at SMC, from languages to linguistics to visual arts, but it was difficult to imagine a career for myself outside of the service industry, which I'd been working in since I was 15.

When I learned about SMC's IXD program, my interest was immediately piqued; an affordable bachelor's degree in design? I wasn't exactly sure what "interaction design" meant but I decided to take a dive to see what it was like, and upon learning more, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. All the time I had spent making websites when I was a teenager, all the video games I liked to play, all the technology I was interested in; this was an opportunity to use all those random skills and interests I'd acquired in "my design practice."

It's no exaggeration to say that the IXD program changed me. Whether it was learning project management in Luke's classes, or learning all the design lingo under Nicole, or having Maxim push me into previously-unexplored technologies, the IXD program has given me the tools to create a brighter future for myself. Not to mention all of the amazing relationships I've built within my cohort, I feel like all my classmates will be my friends for life.

I will forever be grateful to SMC for lifting me out of a life filled with uncertainty and turning me into a true-blue Interaction Designer!

Title graphic for the 2024 annual report
Interaction Design Santa Monica College




Interaction Design
Santa Monica College

Since our start, we have given students the building blocks to unleash their creativity and vision on the world. Let’s take a look at these building blocks and celebrate everything we’ve achieved this past year.

Letter from the Lead
Nicole Chan

Each fall, a fresh cohort of students is welcomed into the SMC IxD program. The hope and enthusiasm surrounding the beginning of this journey are palpable. Meeting fellow designers, faculty, and attending classes is exciting. However, as with anything new in life, fear also has a way of creeping in. Often, incoming students are uncertain about what specific roles or areas of design to focus on during the program. I try my best to assure these students that as they progress through the IxD program, answers will reveal themselves. By embracing a growth mindset and recognizing the significance of building relationships, including valuable community partnerships, students will find their unique design practice taking shape. A beautiful quote from organizational psychologist Adam Grant has stuck with me: "Passions are developed, not just discovered." 

This fall, our program launched with the incredible support of CicLAvia, a non-profit organization that transforms streets across Los Angeles into car-free festivals, where people can cycle, dance, run, dine, shop, and connect. IxD students collaborated with CicLAvia to explore ways of further enhancing the public's experience at these events. This marked our second collaboration with CicLAvia, deepening our students' understanding of the value of human-centered design. Their final projects showcased an interdisciplinary approach, resulting in thoughtful solutions that were presented to CicLAvia stakeholders. We invite you to glimpse the outcomes of their work in this annual report.

A new partnership with Recharge, the leading subscription platform, took place at their headquarters during the first week of the spring semester. Recharge executives generously shared their expertise with our students, covering topics such as working in tech, networking, salary negotiations, and my personal favorite the importance of advancing with integrity. Furthermore, ten seniors were selected for one-on-one mentorships with Recharge's c-suite leaders, meeting monthly over the past four months.

As we wrap up another amazing year within the SMC IxD program, I am truly amazed by the individual journeys and growth of the designers in our graduating class of 2024. I’m grateful for our supportive community, where students can explore their paths with support and encouragement along the way. Our collaborations with CicLAvia and Recharge demonstrate the transformative power of partnerships in providing meaningful experiences through both professional and personal development. Together, we will continue to navigate this journey of discovery, empowering our students and community every step of the way.

Nicole Chan
Faculty Lead, SMC
B.S. Interaction Design program

Since starting, we have educated 124 designers. This year 16 more join the “ranks” of our IxD graduates. Let’s take a look at IxD by the numbers.


About the Program







Total Applications Submitted this Cycle


Applicant Countries
of Origin
Based on the application country submitted by previous IxD students.




Based on partnerships during the 2023 & 2024 academic school year.


Class of 2024


Class of 2025



Of Students Speak
2+ Languages



Self Report as Non-traditional Students
These characteristics include older than typical age, being independent of parents, working full time while enrolled, having dependents, being a single parent, and being a recipient of a GED or high school completion certificate. Via nces.ed.gov


Summer 2024


IxD Grads
Pursuing Master’s


Current IxD Students Freelancing


Estimated Cost
of Degree
*Estimated data points based on self report survey

Our program has been busy! From working with industry partners to updating the how to apply page, let’s take a look at some key moments from this year.

Year in Review

Click on the timeline item to see more detail.

Fall 2023

August 2023

IxD Faculty Present at Professional Development Day

August 2023


Each fall, SMC comes together to provide training and professional guidance. Nicole Chan, IxD program lead, provides the college an update on the IxD program and its progress over the last 8 years. In addition, Nicole, Maxim, and Luke presented a workshop, Careers in the Classroom, to SMC faculty. This workshop focused on the benefits of integrating Industry Partnerships, Mentorships, and Portfolios across a curriculum.

August 2023

IxD Fall Kickoff

August 2023


The 23-24 academic year started off strong with a warm welcome to our returning seniors and incoming juniors on the Center for Media and Design campus. This was for students to put a face to the name of the IxD team members including Design Technology Chair Sheila Cordova, Senior Career Services Advisor Ann Marie Leahy, IxD counselor Amanda Garcia, among others. Students returning from a summer externship with Snap Academies talked about their experience, sharing their new perspectives, experience, and advice for students looking for more growth opportunities.

September 2023

Design Challenge with CicLAvia

September 2023


This year CicLAvia returns to partner with SMC IxD on another industry project. This design challenge had a central theme for students to consider: SLOW DOWN! Students were divided into 4 teams and were each given a unique discipline to focus their work on; The Event Goer Experience, Fundraising, Hub Partner Experience, and Documentation.

September 2023

Studio 1 Junior Projects

September 2023


In the fall, Juniors start their program experience by conducting field research and exploring LA to find a location where they can create an interactive system that solves a transportation or mobility issue. Students researched, designed, and presented their solutions which ranged from an LAX assistant to an integration with Snapchat in Culver City.

View all projects

October 2023

Graphic Design Scholarship Launch

October 2023


After a successful industry partnership with SMC IxD, Macher was thrilled to announce it’s support for Native American students interested in pursuing a career in graphic design. The $10,000 Graphic Design Scholarship for Native Americans by Macher will provide the full California in-state tuition for an Associate Degree in Graphic Design from Santa Monica College, with the remaining funds available to help with the fees and living expenses related to attending college.

Read More

October 2023

IxD Alumna Genevieve Johnson features in SMC In Focus

October 2023


IxD Alumna Genevieve Johnson is featured in SMC In Focus. Genevieve transferred from Public Ivy school Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to change major directions from computer science, to something more intriguing to her. “I was pretty burnt out academically, but SMC revitalized my love of school.”

Read the full article here

November 2023

Three senior IxD students attend ULI

November 2023


CicLAvia board member, Sandra Kulli, sponsors IxD Seniors Kris Bumford, Anna Larionova, and Hunter Moranville to attend the Urban Land Institute conference in Los Angeles. The three seniors attended talks ranging from homelessness to the impact of intentional art on a city's infrastructure. The experience helped to shape and introduce new ideas into their own design projects with CicLAvia and others.

November 2023

Visit from Bonfire Studios recruiter Michelle Duffie

November 2023


Bonfire Studios recruiter Michelle Duffie visits the IxD students to share insights into her role as a recruiter. The talk helped students understand how recruiting works and gave them tips to improve their job searching skills.

December 2023

New How to Apply Page Launches

December 2023


On December 1st, 2023 the IxD program was happy to release a new iteration of their How to Apply page. This design was driven by the prospective students desire for a more robust and informative experience while applying to the IxD program. The new design leaves little room for interpretation, giving students a clear roadmap and checklist to complete their applications. 

The design was completed by IxD Senior Hunter Moranville with support from IxD Faculty Luke Johnson, Maxim Safioulline, and Nicole Chan.

December 2023

CicLAvia Design Challenge Presentations

December 2023


After a 16 week design challenge with CicLAvia, IxD seniors visit CicLAvia at their offices in Downtown Los Angeles to showcase all of their hard work and design solutions. CicLAvia staff, industry professionals, and friends of IxD were in attendance who celebrated the students and their innovative solutions.

December 2023

IxD Promo Videos

December 2023


IxD alumni, faculty, students, and industry partners joined to be featured in a series of promotional videos for the IxD program. Alumni Joey Fonacier, and Christian Enriquez recall how their experiences in the program have helped shape their professional ventures. While IxD advisory board members Jill DaSilva and Ben Denzinger share the importance of having a design program like SMC IxD. 

Watch the videos here

Spring 2024

January 2024

Graphic Design AOI (REDESIGN) Website Launch

January 2024


This year CicLAvia returns to partner with SMC IxD on another industry project. This design challenge had a central theme for students to consider: SLOW DOWN! Students were divided into 4 teams and were each given a unique discipline to focus their work on; The Event Goer Experience, Fundraising, Hub Partner Experience, and Documentation.

February 2024

IxD Kickoff at Recharge

February 2024


First hand experience, especially under the guidance of top professionals, significantly enhances classroom learning. SMC IxD seniors are benefiting from mentorship by c-suite executives at Recharge, the leading subscription platform as they prepare to launch their careers. IxD juniors, seniors, faculty, and the SMC Foundation attended to commemorate the pilot cohort of this partnership.

February 2024

New Board Members at IxD

February 2024


The IxD Advisory Board proudly welcomes its newest members; Ben Denzinger of Macher, Imani Richards at Snap Inc., IxD alumnus Will Gamez, and this year’s student representative Maddison Nielson of Cohort 7.

March 2024

#CollectiveAction Empower Hour with Premium Blend

March 2024


Premium Blend is a local B-corporation with expertise in the social media and digital marketing landscape. Premium Blend consultants reviewed the IxD brand and challenges, then workshopped solutions.

April 2024

B Local LA screen Common Ground at the CMD

April 2024


BCorporations are mission driven organizations dedicated to using the power of their business for good. B Local LA brings those folks together. IxD hosted B Local LA’s monthly gathering at the CMD, which included a panel discussion and the screening of the documentary Common Ground.

April 2024

IxD visit Art Center

April 2024


Exhibitions and showcasing work play a crucial role in a designer's creative journey. To network and gather inspiration for their own exhibit designs, IxD students visited the Art Center's Spring Grad Show, which would aid them in preparing for their showcase the following month.

May 2024

IxD Seniors Win the Snapchat AR Lens Challenge

May 2024


This year's Snap AR Lens Challenge asked students to “Design a Snap Lens that harnesses the game-changing essence of sports to unite our Snapchat tribe.” IxD Senior Lana Pak won first place with her basketball inspired lens while IxD Senior Francis Laura Palacio took second with her tennis inspired lens. 

View all submissions here

June 2024

CMD Student Show Virtual + Digital

June 2024


The Center for Media and Design celebrates all of their student’s hard work by hosting their student showcase. IxD Seniors exhibit their 16 week capstone projects by designing a physical space to showcase all of their work, process, and final designs.

August 2024

Students Awarded University Innovation Fellowship (UIF)

August 2024


The University Innovation Fellows is a program of Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (d.school). It empowers students around the world to become agents of change in higher education. This Fall, four IxD students were accepted to join this prestigious program. Congratulations Tony Renoj, Anna Giglotti, Carey Corrow, and Alison Parrales!

IxD isn't just about the experience, assignments, and projects... It's about the people! Our culture is kind, creative, and ambitious. We learn from each other and grow together as a tight knit cohort.







Stickers on




Chat GPT



Feel Better Equipped
as Designers


Cups of Coffee
Consumed Weekly*



Prefer Design
for Web



Prefer Design
for iOS



Prefer Design
for Android


Most Miles traveled
to Class


Least Miles traveled
to Class


Hours Spent
in Green Room*


Longest Single Session Spent in Green Room *


Meals Eaten in
Green Room*


Total Pins
On Bags









Dog & Cat



Don’t have
*Estimated data points based on self report survey for Spring 2024

Top 3 Favorite Fonts

Top Project Management Software

Favorite Design Trends

Technical Skills Learned

User Research
Visual Design
Mobile Design
User Flows
Usability Testing
Project Management
Information Architecture

Soft Skills Learned

Design Thinking

Software Learned

Snaps of IxD

Hear directly from some of our students about their experiences in the program with these "Snaps of IxD".

No experience? No problem. These industry collaborations pushed IxD students to work with stakeholders to research, and deliver designs that addressed key paint points. Giving them the real world experience needed to succeed.

Industry Collaborations

Continue scrolling so see more →
🗓 ️  Dates:
August 28, 2023 - December 13, 2023
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Client:
(Rachel Burke, Sandra Kulli, Alissandra Valdez)
✏️  Class:
Design for Community Change & Cognitive Psychology
👩  Professor:
Luke Johnson & Lea Hald, PhD
🌐  Project Site:

Inspired by Bogotá’s weekly ciclovía, CicLAvia temporarily closes streets to car traffic and opens them to Angelenos to use as a public park. Free for all, CicLAvia connects communities to each other across an expansive city, creating a safe place to bike, walk, skate, roll, and dance through Los Angeles County.

This design challenge asked students to consider a central them: SLOW DOWN! Students were divided into 4 teams and were each given a unique discipline to focus their work on; The Event Goer Experience, Fundraising, Hub Partner Experience, and Documentation. Respectively, they were asked:

1. How might we… encourage event participants to explore all event day activities.

2. How might we… highlight event value for those who don't want to pay, and encourage participation and support for CicLAvia.

3. How might we… create a toolkit for partners to make their event booth's impactful and engaging.

4. How might we… capture stories on event day, and level up the storytelling about the communities events are in.

Recharge Payments
🗓 ️ Dates:
February 12, 2024 - June 11, 2024
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Partner:
✏️  Class:
Interaction Design Senior Studio
👩  Professor:
Luke Johnson, Nicole Chan

Recharge, the leading subscription platform dedicated to empowering brands to easily set up and manage subscriptions, is headquartered in Santa Monica just blocks away from SMC’s Center for Media Design Campus where the IxD program is held.

Recharge has partnered with SMC IxD to launch a mentorship program connecting senior students with C-suite executives at Recharge. Through this program, students have attended insightful lectures, met regularly with their mentors, and gained hands-on experience in budget management to bring their capstone projects to life through a physical exhibition.

Let’s see how this culmination of skill building, real world experience, and creative thinking shows up in these students' work.

2024 Project Highlight Reel

As a member of the IxD Student Design Team, junior Antonio Renoj compiled a reel showcasing student work. This video highlights the extensive range and quality of projects created by the classes of 2024 and 2025 during their time in the IxD program.

Student Internships and Work

Fall 2023 - Summer 2024

Flip the cards to connect on LinkedIn
Celso Pereira
Snap Lens Academy Scholar
Class of 2024
LinkedIn icon
Yuka Seike
Snap Lens Academy Scholar
Class of 2024
LinkedIn icon
Mahabala Orlov
Snap Lens Academy Scholar
Class of 2024
LinkedIn icon
Angel Tolentino
Snap Lens Academy Scholar
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Darren Lau
Snap Lens Academy Scholar
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Arthur Jensen
Graphic & Web Designer
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Celia Choi
UX/UI Designer
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Dani Torgusen
Social Media Manager
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Alison Parrales
Web Designer & PM Assistant
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Esme Ison
Product Designer
Class of 2024
LinkedIn icon
Ryn Rangel
Assistant Web Designer
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Giorgio Tandera
Game UX/UI Design Intern
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Michelle Cheng
UX Design Intern
Class of 2025
LinkedIn icon
Hunter Moranville
Class of 2024
LinkedIn icon

IxD Team

Dr. Tricia Ramos
Dean of Academic Affairs

As the Dean of Academic Affairs at Santa Monica College, Dr. Patricia Ramos assists the college by developing partnerships with business, industry, labor, NGO, and other educational institutions, in an effort to align SMC’s career technical education programs to the current and projected workforce needs of the Los Angeles region and the State of California. Her civic engagement spans over two decades. Dr. Ramos has served as an appointed official as a member of the Woman’s Commission and the L.A. County Workforce Development Board. She serves on educational and workforce committees at local, state, and national levels. Dr. Ramos holds a doctorate from the University of Southern California.

Dr. Tricia Ramos
Dean of Academic Affairs
Ashanti Blaize
Associate Dean, CMD

Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins: An Emmy award-winning journalist, with decades of experience hosting news, entertainment and educational content across a multitude of media and digital platforms. Blaize-Hopkins is also the interim associate dean of the Center for Media and Design at Santa Monica College and the president of the national Society of Professional Journalists.

Ashanti Blaize
Associate Dean, CMD
Nicole Chan
Meeting Organizer

Nicole Rife Chan is invested in accessible design education as a medium for positive community impact. She serves as Faculty Lead of the Interaction Design B.S. and Graphic Design Program at Santa Monica College. Nicole held non-profit and corporate design roles involving media, print, and digital before earning her MFA in Media Design Practices at ArtCenter College of Design.

Nicole Chan
Meeting Organizer
Maxim Safioulline
IxD Core Faculty

Maxim is a creative technologist and a design educator with experience in multimedia-rich Web applications, interactive installations, and generative computer graphics. He comes with a background in linguistics and audio-video design. His current work centers on new forms of media and emerging interfaces for human-computer interaction. Maxim holds an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in New York.

Maxim Safioulline
IxD Core Faculty
Luke Johnson
IxD Core Faculty

Luke Johnson is an employee engagement strategist and design educator whose portfolio includes work for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nokia, and Riot Games. He collaborates with HR, internal comms, and executives to develop customized products to solve unique, internal problems. Luke holds an MFA in Media Design Practices from ArtCenter College of Design. He currently works as a professor in Graphic Design and Interaction Design at Santa Monica College.

Luke Johnson
IxD Core Faculty
Nicola Vruwink

Nicola Vruwink, MFA, is an artist, educator, and designer who is committed to mentoring future creatives. With an extensive background in private postsecondary education, Nicola is committed to making high-quality education more accessible and equitable. She has found her home in the California community college system. Her passion for design and design education fuels her teaching practice; currently, Nicola is full-time faculty in the Graphic Design program at Santa Monica College and maintains her own design studio Poni.

Nicola Vruwink
Sheila Cordova
Department Chair

Sheila Cordova, AIA, is dedicated to sustainable urban development and innovative architectural solutions that foster community growth. Sheila’s career spans both public and private sectors, where she has led projects focusing on green building practices and resilient design. Obtaining her Bachelor of Architecture from Iowa State University and her Master in Sustainable Cities and Green Building Technology from Harvard, Sheila worked extensively on urban revitalization projects in underserved areas, emphasizing the importance of inclusive and environmentally conscious design.

Sheila Cordova
Department Chair
Amanda Garcia
Academic Advisor

As a former community college transfer student and first-generation college graduate, Amanda Garcia is dedicated to advocating for a more equitable and inclusive learning environment that serves all students. Her primary goal as the CMD Counselor is to empower students by highlighting existing strengths, so they can feel confident entering the industry as their authentic selves. Amanda is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at California Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Amanda Garcia
Academic Advisor
Jeff Gordon
Project Manager

Jeff Gordon comes to IxD with twenty-plus years of experience at Santa Monica College. He was a highly involved student leader at SMC before transferring to Cal State Northridge for his bachelor's degree in radio and television production. He later continued his studies at Loyola Marymount University for his master's degree in counseling. While at SMC he has served in a myriad of areas including classified staff in student services and as counseling faculty in Associated Students, Scholars, General Counseling and Transfer Services, Welcome Center, and Outreach and Recruitment. In his role as IxD project manager Jeff Gordon is focused on increasing the pool of talented applicants with students that come from a multitude of diverse backgrounds. At the center of his approach in working with IxD is a warm and welcoming environment that is inclusive and equitable for our students, faculty, and staff.

Jeff Gordon
Project Manager
Ann Marie Leahy
Career Center

Ann Marie came to SMC’s Career Services Center with a background in marketing project management. With several years’ experience hiring artists and designers to execute corporate visions, Ann Marie brings and shares her knowledge on how to stand out and get hired to the IxD Program Students.

Ann Marie Leahy
Career Center
Dr. Lea Hald

Dr. Lea Hald is a professor in the Psychology Department at SMC. She has a doctorate in Psychology with a focus in Cognitive Science, a master’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Her undergraduate teaching experience includes courses in research methods, statistics, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, and introduction to psychology. Her recent research focuses on applying embodied pedagogy to improve learning.

Dr. Lea Hald
Richard Schuler

Richard Schuler is a Los Angeles-based product designer focused primarily on architectural lighting. His experience also includes work in furniture and consumer products. He has also had his hand in several creative efforts, including collaborating as an illustrator on the internet’s first hypertext novel, Sunshine 69, and the comic novella Dead in Desemboque, as well as a drummer for the post-rock swamp-boogie band, King Kong. Richard holds a Masters of Industrial Design from Rhode Island School of Design.

Richard Schuler
Shannon Herbert

Shannon Herbert is a writer and professor in the English Department at SMC. Her dissertation research at The University of Chicago examined the relationship between fiction and the late Twentieth-century fetish for technologically-enhanced objectivity. Both her research and teaching employ feminist and decolonial practices to center the experiences of historically marginalized communities and perspectives.

Shannon Herbert
Diane (aka “D”) Laughton
SMC IXD ‘18 Alum

Diane (aka “D”) Laughton, an alumna of Santa Monica College's Interaction Design program, is the founder of Wheeler Dempsey Studio and Meadow co-working space. Leveraging her degree, Foster has built a career around helping others. At Wheeler Dempsey, she offers research and design services to kickstart businesses and secure funding for startups. At Meadow, she has created a work space that cultivates community and creativity. Her central mission is to foster innovation and empower individuals, providing the essential tools and guidance to bring their ideas to fruition.

Diane (aka “D”) Laughton
SMC IXD ‘18 Alum
Alisa Olinova
Alisa Olinova Creative Design Director

Alisa Olinova is a multidisciplinary designer and creative consultant. She is freelancing as an art director, graphic designer, and illustrator. She loves making things come alive through design and art. Formerly at verynice, she has held every role from Design Intern to Design Director; working with 100+ organizations, many of them nonprofits, as well as teaching and speaking about design and social impact.

Alisa Olinova
Alisa Olinova Creative Design Director
Guild Copeland
Sisu Co-Founder

Guild Copeland is the Co-Founder of Sisu, an award-winning digital design studio based in LA. Guild handles all business development efforts and also serves as the strategic lead for Sisu’s clients, including Disney, DC Comics, American Express, Western Union, and the Grammys. He began his career in Washington, D.C., navigating the high seas of politics after graduating from Yale.

Guild Copeland
Sisu Co-Founder
Jill DaSilva
Digital Karma

Santa Monica College alumna and adjunct faculty member, Jill DaSilva, is the CEO and Founder of the UX Design agency, Digital Karma. Jill began programming at 8 years old and has been designing digital experiences since the early 2000s. Beyond her consulting work, Jill teaches and speaks globally about User Experience Design, is a mentor for UX Designers, and is an official Adobe XD Instructor.

Jill DaSilva
Digital Karma
Sam Anvari
California State University Long Beach Professor

Sam is a graphic designer and information architect with 18 years of direct hands-on experience in graphic and mobile/web design practice. Sam has an MFA in Graphic Design from OTIS College of Art and Design and a bachelor of science in Biomedical Engineering. Crossing over to Graphic Design with a Mathematics and Engineering background has given Sam the ability to look at communication challenges from a unique perspective. Sam views graphic design as a multidisciplinary practice between “Art” and “System Engineering” plus “Linguistics” with the goal to establish a clear and universally understandable dialogue.

Sam Anvari
California State University Long Beach Professor
Ben Denzinger
Product Designer, Macher

Ben Denzinger is a multi-disciplinary Industrial Designer dedicated to turning client dreams into successful realities. With over 17 years of design experience, he has collaborated with a diverse range of client teams, from Fortune 500 giants to spirited independent entrepreneurs. He holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from Georgia Tech, a postgraduate certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Stanford d.school, and has pursued continuing education through night courses at the Art Center College of Design. Ben is part of the MaCher USA team, based on the sunny streets of Abbot Kinney Blvd in Venice Beach, California. MaCher focuses on sustainability and making a positive impact and teams up with brands to help them shine, crafting thoughtful products and solutions that truly reflect their identities. As a certified B Corp and EcoVadis Platinum-rated company, MaCher is committed to using their business as a force for good!

Ben Denzinger
Product Designer, Macher
Will Gamez
Alumni + JPMorgan Chase

Will Gamez is a multidisciplinary designer/researcher and alumni of the IXD program. Will has leveraged his learnings to construct and facilitate design thinking workshops and organize user research studies that advocate for equitable, human centered design solutions within JPMorgan Chase.

Will Gamez
Alumni + JPMorgan Chase
Imani Ritchards
Field Marketing Specialist, SNAP

Imani Ritchards is the Director of Product Design at Snap Inc, where she leads a team of passionate and fearlessly creative designers. After earning her BA in Biology from Carleton College, Imani decided to pursue a creative career. She began her journey as a freelance illustrator and eventually returned to school to study Graphic Design and UX Design at Glendale Community College and Santa Monica College. After school, she interned on the Product Design Team at Snap Inc, and the rest is history. Outside of work, Imani loves to dance and get lost in a good book

Imani Ritchards
Field Marketing Specialist, SNAP
Chris Chandler
Philosophie Product Strategy Director

Chris is a distinguished professional in software development. As the Director of User Experience at Stages Learning, he works at the cutting edge of modern software development, utilizing Design Thinking, Lean Startup, and Agile Development methodologies to deliver high-quality software solutions. Chris's extensive background includes serving as the digital Creative Lead for the Magic+ (Magic Band) project at Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Online, and leading UX and Innovation teams at Fandango.

Chris Chandler
Philosophie Product Strategy Director
Maddison Nielson
Student: Cohort 7

Maddi Nielsen is a graduating student in the 2024 IxD class! As a designer she enjoys thinking outside the box to create stylish solutions for all kinds of design projects. Using her passion for vintage style as well as her skills in ideation, research, and illustration, she voices a refreshed-retro personality in the world of web design, UI & UX, product design, digital illustration, and branding. She's inspired by her environments as well, be it the natural world or the urbane, and she applies her sense of adventure and optimism in her artistic voice, and is looking forward to bringing this optimism into a collaborative & creative workplace.

Maddison Nielson
Student: Cohort 7

Alumni Today

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Landon Harris
Senior Ux Designer
Class of 2020
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Ben Tseitlin
Class of 2022
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Omzee Pitchford
UX Designer
Class of 2021
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Gabriel M Silverstein
Class of 2022
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Di Xu
UX UI Designer
Class of 2021
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Audrienna Walker-Mueller
UX Designer
Class of 2023
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Diane Foster
Class of 2018
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Florence Lafite
Senior UX Strategist
Class of 2019
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Jonathan San Agustin
Senior Product Designer
Class of 2023
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Chase Nguyen
Product Designer
Class of 2021
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Juan Zitara
AI Image Prompt Engineer/Graphic Design
Class of 2023
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Christian Enriquez
Founder and Reality Designer
Class of 2021
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Christina Strok
UX/AR Designer
Class of 2023
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Genevieve Johnson
Product Designer
Class of 2021
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Andres Adrian Muñoz
Associate Content Manager
Class of 2023
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Petula Pascall
Full Stack Designer
Class of 2020
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Diane Foster
Founder/Owner - Wheeler Dempsey
Class of 2018
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