Interaction Design
Santa Monica College





I’m Nicole Chan, Faculty Lead of the Interaction Design Bachelor Program.

A major strength of the SMC IxD program has been the student based cohort model. Each Fall a new group of students come together to begin a two year journey through the IxD program. In the beginning students know little about each other, the faculty, or the staff. Slowly, over time, a community takes shape. From each cohort emerges a unique personality based on shared values. 

These communities don't form spontaneously. There is an intentionality, aided by a supporting structure to help grow connections. The program hosts kick-off events, workshops, and promotes teamwork in classes. All of this is meant to aid in building a solid collaborative base. Last year, when the world went into lockdown I became concerned. A program of people focused on creating meaningful connections between humans, technology, and design were suddenly staring at each other on screens unsure of how to move forward.

My initial unease turned into hope as I observed our students' interactions evolve. Creative fun and play was expressed through weekly virtual movie nights.

Students initiated Zoom coffee chats between Juniors and Seniors, to talk about work and more importantly to check in on one another. I observed genuine kindness and patience between teammates during class projects. Students made time and space for each other to care for themselves, friends, and family. There was also a continual ability for students to ask for help and communicate their true needs. There were and are deeply personal challenges, and students continued to really see and hear each other, and let each other know they weren’t alone.

Lockdown did not stifle the IxD community. These students explored different ways to work together during classes, used new tools to connect with each other, and to build their relationships and support systems. Most important of all, they used the wisdom of their feelings to guide them in redefining the values of their community during this difficult time. I have deep gratitude for their example. It brings me hope to observe and work with these designers who prioritize the values of kindness, patience, and self-care. The Class of 2021 are the future designers and leaders that are tasked with the hard work of creating a more compassionate and inclusive world for all of us. I can say with confidence, they are ready.

Nicole Chan
Faculty Lead, SMC
B.S. Interaction Design program

IxD by the Numbers


Total Graduates


Graduated Cohorts


IxD Seniors, Class of 2021


IxD Juniors, Class of 2022


Industry Collabs, 2020-2021


Countries of Origin, 2021


% Graduation Rate, 2021


Applications, Class of 2021


Applications, Class of 2022


Applications Class of 2023 *new record


Average GPA, Class of 2021 + 2022


Total IxD Classes Completed


Average Age, Class of 2021


Average Age, Class of 2022


Total Applications


*SMC Ixd Estimated Cost of Degree
*Private college IxD degree cost: $170,000


Summer 2021 Internships


Units to Graduate


IxD Grads Pursuing Masters

Year in Review

Click on the timeline item to see more detail.

Fall 2020

August 2020

Graphic Design Curriculum Development Workshop

August 2020


Acting as feeder into the IxD program, the Graphic Design program was due for a curriculum update. In collaboration with current instructors in the Graphic Design program as well as those full-time professionals working in the industry, these workshops aimed to harness the institutional and professional knowledge of those working in both academia and industry.

August 2020

IxD Fall Kickoff, with IxD alumna Amanda Sanchez

August 2020


Amanda is a designer and researcher with a special love for novel problem spaces, human-centered design, and scalable solutions backed by both qualitative and quantitative data. Most importantly, she graduated from the first IxD cohort. She talked about her professional experience working as a design researcher for CRE Digital Product Design at JP Morgan Chase.

September 2020

Activision Design Challenge

September 2020


This design challenge asked students: How can the Call of Duty companion app create social features to keep players engaged with the game and each other? More details in Industry Collaborations.

September 2020

Design Club Rebrand

September 2020


Design Club rebranded itself to appeal to a larger range of design students, not just those in the Interaction Design program. Under the leadership of Di Xu, Miguel Bryan-Juteau, and Dave Giammarco, the club hosted speakers, encouraged students to take part in weekly design challenges, and boosted a sense of community during a 100% virtual school year.

October 2020

IxD Finishes Top Three, Adobe “Jam for Change”

October 2020


Adobe invited seven different design programs to participate, both private and public. IxD seniors Sara Pope, Gaby Castro, and Porfirio Moreno earned third place! See details below.

October 2020

IXD Mentorship Program

October 2020


Last semester the IxD program launched the beta of the IxD Mentorship Program with the Senior class. Students connected with their individually assigned mentor at different touchpoints to present resumes and portfolios to get feedback and support. Mentors were designers from the companies IDEO, Hulu, Apple, Microsoft, Lyft, Riot Games, Activision, JP Morgan & Chase, and SAP.

October 2020

Branding Workshop with Robyn Young

October 2020


In this fun, interactive workshop, brand strategist and entrepreneur Robyn Young took students through a step by step process to define their personal brand and leveraging their point of view to build interest and momentum. Students learned how to:
• Connect their personal & professional experiences to find purpose
• Determine what they stand for to craft their unique point of view
• Position their brand to the right audience and problems they care about. • Create a catchy personal brand title for LinkedIn

November 2020

Jennifer Morehead Wins World Usability Challenge

November 2020


World Usability Day is an international movement sponsored by the HCI International Conference to encourage designers to the raise the standards of ‘common practice’. SMC IxD junior Jennifer Morehead won First Place for her Teachers Assistant Bot prototype that helps engage and motivate students in online classes. View her project here: worldusabilityday.org/design-challenge.

November 2020

Me in a Minute Videos

November 2020


IxD seniors were asked to describe their brand, design philosophy, and greatest project accomplishments in a 60-second video. These videos can be viewed on the IxD YouTube page as well as the Class of 2021 webpage.

November 2020

Project Manager Jeff Gordon joins IxD Team

November 2020


The SMC Center for Media & Design welcomed Jeff Gordon as the IxD Project Manager! Some of Jeff's roles include marketing the IxD program, running our Info sessions, creating new industry and educational partnerships, and overseeing the health and growth of the program.

December 2020

Mentor Meet & Greet Networking Event

December 2020


At this event, IxD seniors were given the opportunity to network with their peers’ mentors. Through three 15-minute conversations, students developed relationships and asked detailed questions about the industries that most interest them: technology, banking, entertainment, and product invention.

Spring 2021

January 2021

Michael Bierut mentors Miguel Bryan Juteau

January 2021


Awarded by Made in the Future, senior Miguel Bryan Juteau was paired with graphic design legend Michael Bierut for a year of mentorship.

January 2021

1st Ever Regional IxD Infosession

January 2021


Embracing an equity mindset, this first-ever regional IxD information session focused specifically on outreach to underserved populations and equity. This session included both counselors and students from around community colleges in southern California in programs such as Umoja/Black Collegians, Latino Center/Adelante, Puente, EOPS/CARE, CalWORKs, Veterans, Dreamer Programs, Pico Promise, Guardian Scholars, Disabled Students, and Upward Bound.

January 2021

IxD Industry Partner Website Update

January 2021


This winter, IxD students Di Xu, Irene Rivera, and Miguel Bryan Juteau updated the industry partner page. This updated website showcases the program’s history of Industry partnerships, including mini-sites from collaborations with Activision, Red Bull, Bird, and Hulu.

February 2021

Spring Kickoff with Antonia Galindo from Riot Games

February 2021


Antonia has been leading teams across cultures and continents for over twenty years at companies that include Apple, Pandora, and Riot Games. Specifically, her work focuses on Diversity & Inclusion, Learning & Development, and Mindfulness Facilitation within larger organizations. For IxD students, Antonia led a co-creative workshop that provided students with the tools to thrive personally and professionally.

February 2021

Articulation Agreement with Pasadena City College

February 2021


This new articulation agreement, the first since the launch of the IxD program, helps guide PCC students who may want to transfer classes when applying to the program.

February 2021

IDEO & Beyond 12 Design Challenge

February 2021


This design challenge asked students: How might Beyond 12 use its digital coaching platform to mobilize community college students to redesign their institutions so they are more accessible, affordable, inclusive, and relevant? See details below.

February 2021

Design Challenge with NASA JPL & Begin

February 2021


This design challenge asked students: NASA has recently identified an emergent landform—MS DOS Island. How might we design a new civilization on this island? Students worked with Ian Fenty from NASA JPL and Geoff Moore from Begin. See details below.

March 2021

IxD Admissions Process Consolidation

March 2021


In the past, the IxD admissions process included early and regular admissions deadline dates. This year, the program had a one-time deadline date of March 1. This change to a single date reinforces an equitable process for the growing number of students applying to the IxD program.

March 2021

Professor Luke Johnson Presents at National CCBA

March 2021


IxD professor Luke Johnson presented his paper Community College + Industry Collaborations: Designing Meaningful Partnerships To Identify Diverse Talent at this year’s national Community College Baccalaureate Association conference. This paper focuses on how tech can address the final hurdle of hiring students from different educational, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds.

April 2021

IxD Career Resources Hub

April 2021


SMC Job Development Advisor Ann-Marie Leahy and IxD teamed up to develop a Career Resources Hub beta website.

April 2021

Genevieve Johnson accepts CMU MIIPS Fellowship

April 2021


After receiving acceptances for Design for Sustainability at Savannah College of Art & Design, Design for Social Impact at Paris College of Art, and Interaction Design at Harbour.Space University, Genevieve chose to pursue a Masters of Integrated Innovation for Products & Services (MIIPS) at Carnegie Mellon University on a university-granted fellowship. She moves to Pittsburgh in August.

June 2021

IxD Students earn Stanford’s Innovation Fellowship

June 2021


Miguel Lucas, Zoe Torrealba Marin, Irene Rivera, and P.J. Rodriguez were accepted into Stanford’s d.school University Innovation Fellowship program.  Fellows connect with a global student network, which has trained 2,399 students at 270 schools around the world. More importantly, they learn to examine their campus entrepreneurship ecosystems to find the best places where they can make a difference and formulate action plans to implement their ideas when they come back to Santa Monica College.

June 2021

Grad Show Week

June 2021


This year’s IxD Grad Show follows a unique format. IxD graduating seniors will present their work as part of a webinar and live Q&A (June 7, 8, 9, 10 from 7-8 PM). These presentations reflect a culmination of work produced by students during their time in the IxD program. On Friday, June 11 from 5-6 PM, the IxD program will host a Grad Show Celebration to formally honor the class of 2021.

Industry Collaborations

Continue scrolling so see more →
Adobe Creative Jam
🗓 ️ Dates:
Sept 28 - Oct 12, 2020
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Client:
✏️  Class:
IXD Studio 1
👩  Professor:
Nicole Chan
🏆  Awards:
3rd place - Feed Ma & Pop (by Sara Pope, Porfirio Moreno, Gaby Castro)
Top 10 - Fridgee
(by Aaron Guhin, Armel Patanian)

The pandemic dramatically increased food insecurity among vulnerable communities. Loss of employment and income increased demand for charitable meal delivery, while the closure of in-person schools and daycares cut children off from a once-reliable food source. In a two-week design sprint involving teams from 10+ design schools, Adobe posed a challenge: Design a mobile phone app that empowers a specific audience to help improve part of the chain of food collection and distribution. Two SMC teams earned spots in the top 10 (among 35 designs) in this highly competitive, nationwide contest.

🗓 ️ Dates:
Sept 9 - DEC 9, 2020
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Client:
✏️  Class:
Design for Community Change, Cognitive Psychology
👩  Professor:
Luke Johnson, Lea Hald
🌐  Project Website:
Activision Mini Site

Call of Duty is one of the world’s most popular video games. Despite this popularity, less than 2% of players download the Call of Duty companion app. IxD seniors worked with Call of Duty’s publisher Activision to figure out, “How can the Call of Duty companion app create social features to keep players engaged with the game and each other?” Over the course of 16 weeks, students conducted research interviews, concept development, and prototypes tests to present final projects to Activision’s COD Companion App design team.

IDEO + Beyond 12
🗓 ️ Dates:
FEB 15 - APR 7, 2021
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Client:
Ideo + Beyond 12
✏️  Class:
Senior Studio
👩  Professor:
Nicole Chan

IDEO is a global design agency headquartered in Palo Alto, CA. IDEO invited senior student teams from Santa Monica College to help solve a project for their client, Beyond 12. Beyond 12 is a nonprofit based in Oakland, CA. Their mission is to dramatically increase the number of low-income, first-generation, and historically underrepresented students who graduate from college. How might Beyond 12 use its digital coaching platform to mobilize community college students to redesign their institutions so they are more accessible, affordable, inclusive, and relevant?

NASA JPL + Begin
🗓 ️ Dates:
MAR 2 - APR 6, 2021
🤝  Cohort:
👔  Client:
NASA JPL + Begin
✏️  Class:
Project Management
👩  Professor:
Luke Johnson

Students in Project Management were given the monumental task: “How might we design a new civilization?” This new civilization was to take place on a fictional island, MS-Dos Island, created specifically for this class by NASA scientist Ian Fenty. The goal of this project was NOT to solve the problem, but for students to apply their evolving project management skills both creatively and strategically. Student students then presented their solutions to Ian as well as project management guru Geoff Moore (Begin) for review.

Senior Project Highlight Reel

For her capstone project, senior Ami Kubota created a reel of student work. This video captures the breadth and depth of the projects made by the class of 2021 during their time in the IxD program. 

Meet the Students

Class of 2022

Cohort 5
Alice Hoh
Axel Ernesto Ruiz
Ben Tseitlin
Cianna Arrae Robinson
Cole Henry Grodnitzky
Crystal Lyn Munson
David J Pope
Eduardo Sebastian Paz
Emily Jane Hicks
Gabriel M Silverstein
Irene Rivera
Jennifer Morehead
Joey Fonacier
Juliana Arthuso Lopes
Miguel Angel Lucas
Nikola Jovanovic
Patrick Joseph Rodriguez
Rachael Legge
Rosie Dominguez
Ruben Montanez
Vianey Garcia
Viktoriya Kim
Zoe Torrealba Marin
Student profile pages coming Fall 2021
The Class of 2022 has never met in-person! 

Student Internships and Work

Fall 2020 - Summer 2021

Flip the cards to connect on LinkedIn
Jennifer Morehead
UX Intern
Class of 2022
LinkedIn icon
Di Xu
Executive Assistant
Class of 2021
LinkedIn icon
Sara Pope
Graphic Designer
Class of 2021
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Christian Enriquez
UX | UI Designer
Class of 2021
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Viktoriya Kim
Social Media Manager
Class of 2022
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Rosie Dominguez
Product Manager | Designer
Class of 2022
LinkedIn icon
Jennifer Morehead
Visual Designer
Class of 2022
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Ralph Buan
Design Fellow
Class of 2021
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Andrew Ma
Class of 2021
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Ralph Buan
Class of 2021
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Miguel Bryan Juteau
Class of 2021
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Nasa Scholar
Class of 2022
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Genevieve Johnson
Graphic Designer
Class of 2021
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Emily Jane Hicks
Web Designer
Class of 2022
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Eduardo Sebastian Paz
Class of 2022
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Omzee Pitchford
Web Design Instructor
Class of 2021
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Di Xu
Web Design Instructor
Class of 2021
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David J Pope
Operations Director
Class of 2022
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Cole Henry Grodnitzky
Chair of Brand and Marketing
Class of 2022
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Andrew Ma
UX Writer
Class of 2021
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Drew Hemnes
Creative Director
Class of 2021
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Ami Kubota
UX/UI consultant
Class of 2021
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Drew Hemnes
Personal Assistant
Class of 2021
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Gabriela Castro
Vehicle UX Content Designer
Class of 2021
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Genevieve Johnson
User Experience Design Intern
Class of 2021
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Aaron Guhin
UX Architect
Class of 2021
LinkedIn icon

IxD Team

Dr. Tricia Ramos
Dean of Academic Affairs

As the Dean of Academic Affairs at Santa Monica College, Dr. Patricia Ramos assists the college by developing partnerships with business, industry, labor, NGO, and other educational institutions, in an effort to align SMC’s career technical education programs to the current and projected workforce needs of the Los Angeles region and the State of California. Her civic engagement spans over two decades. Dr. Ramos has served as an appointed official as a member of the Woman’s Commission and the L.A. County Workforce Development Board. She serves on educational and workforce committees at local, state, and national levels. Dr. Ramos holds a doctorate from the University of Southern California.

Dr. Tricia Ramos
Dean of Academic Affairs
Nicole Chan
Meeting Organizer

Nicole Rife Chan is invested in accessible design education as a medium for positive community impact. She serves as Faculty Lead of the Interaction Design B.S. and Graphic Design Program at Santa Monica College. Nicole held non-profit and corporate design roles involving media, print, and digital before earning her MFA in Media Design Practices at ArtCenter College of Design.

Nicole Chan
Meeting Organizer
Maxim Safioulline
IxD Core Faculty

Maxim is a creative technologist and a design educator with experience in multimedia-rich Web applications, interactive installations, and generative computer graphics. He comes with a background in linguistics and audio-video design. His current work centers on new forms of media and emerging interfaces for human-computer interaction. Maxim holds an MFA in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design in New York.

Maxim Safioulline
IxD Core Faculty
Luke Johnson
IxD Core Faculty

Luke Johnson is an employee engagement strategist and design educator whose portfolio includes work for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Nokia, and Riot Games. He collaborates with HR, internal comms, and executives to develop customized products to solve unique, internal problems. Luke holds an MFA in Media Design Practices from ArtCenter College of Design. He currently works as a professor in Graphic Design and Interaction Design at Santa Monica College.

Luke Johnson
IxD Core Faculty
Nicola Vruwink

Nicola Vruwink, MFA, is an artist, educator, and designer who is committed to mentoring future creatives. With an extensive background in private postsecondary education, Nicola is committed to making high-quality education more accessible and equitable. She has found her home in the California community college system. Her passion for design and design education fuels her teaching practice; currently, Nicola is full-time faculty in the Graphic Design program at Santa Monica College and maintains her own design studio Poni.

Nicola Vruwink
Amanda Garcia
Academic Advisor

As a former community college transfer student and first-generation college graduate, Amanda Garcia is dedicated to advocating for a more equitable and inclusive learning environment that serves all students. Her primary goal as the CMD Counselor is to empower students by highlighting existing strengths, so they can feel confident entering the industry as their authentic selves. Amanda is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at California Polytechnic University, Pomona.

Amanda Garcia
Academic Advisor
Ann Marie Leahy
Career Center

Ann Marie came to SMC’s Career Services Center with a background in marketing project management. With several years’ experience hiring artists and designers to execute corporate visions, Ann Marie brings and shares her knowledge on how to stand out and get hired to the IxD Program Students.

Ann Marie Leahy
Career Center
Jeff Gordon
Program Manager

Jeff Gordon comes to IxD with twenty-plus years of experience at Santa Monica College. He was a highly involved student leader at SMC before transferring to Cal State Northridge for his bachelor's degree in radio and television production. He later continued his studies at Loyola Marymount University for his master's degree in counseling. While at SMC he has served in a myriad of areas including classified staff in student services and as counseling faculty in Associated Students, Scholars, General Counseling and Transfer Services, Welcome Center, and Outreach and Recruitment. In his role as IxD project manager Jeff Gordon is focused on increasing the pool of talented applicants with students that come from a multitude of diverse backgrounds. At the center of his approach in working with IxD is a warm and welcoming environment that is inclusive and equitable for our students, faculty, and staff.

Jeff Gordon
Program Manager
Julia Raz

Dr. Julia G. Raz is a faculty member in the Communication and Media Studies Department at Santa Monica College. She earned a Ph.D. in communication from the University of Michigan and a B.A. in communication from UC San Diego, and her area of expertise is women in gaming culture. Dr. Raz has been teaching in higher education for the past decade. In 2017, she created the Media 4: Introduction to Video Game Studies course for SMC.

Julia Raz
Dee Foster
Board Advisor

Dee Foster, an alumna of Santa Monica College's Interaction Design program, is the founder of Wheeler Dempsey Studio and Meadow co-working space. Leveraging her degree, Foster has built a career around helping others. At Wheeler Dempsey, she offers research and design services to kickstart businesses and secure funding for startups. At Meadow, she has created a work space that cultivates community and creativity. Her central mission is to foster innovation and empower individuals, providing the essential tools and guidance to bring their ideas to fruition.

Dee Foster
Board Advisor
Dr. Lea Hald

Dr. Lea Hald is a professor in the Psychology Department at SMC. She has a doctorate in Psychology with a focus in Cognitive Science, a master’s degree, and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Her undergraduate teaching experience includes courses in research methods, statistics, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, and introduction to psychology. Her recent research focuses on applying embodied pedagogy to improve learning.

Dr. Lea Hald
Alisa Olinova
Alisa Olinova Creative Design Director

Alisa Olinova is a multidisciplinary designer and creative consultant. She is freelancing as an art director, graphic designer, and illustrator. She loves making things come alive through design and art. Formerly at verynice, she has held every role from Design Intern to Design Director; working with 100+ organizations, many of them nonprofits, as well as teaching and speaking about design and social impact.

Alisa Olinova
Alisa Olinova Creative Design Director
Richard Schuler

Richard Schuler is a Los Angeles-based product designer focused primarily on architectural lighting. His experience also includes work in furniture and consumer products. He has also had his hand in several creative efforts, including collaborating as an illustrator on the internet’s first hypertext novel, Sunshine 69, and the comic novella Dead in Desemboque, as well as a drummer for the post-rock swamp-boogie band, King Kong. Richard holds a Masters of Industrial Design from Rhode Island School of Design.

Richard Schuler
Shannon Herbert

Shannon Herbert is a writer and professor in the English Department at SMC. Her dissertation research at The University of Chicago examined the relationship between fiction and the late Twentieth-century fetish for technologically-enhanced objectivity. Both her research and teaching employ feminist and decolonial practices to center the experiences of historically marginalized communities and perspectives.

Shannon Herbert
Guild Copeland
Sisu Co-Founder

Guild Copeland is the Co-Founder of Sisu, an award-winning digital design studio based in LA. Guild handles all business development efforts and also serves as the strategic lead for Sisu’s clients, including Disney, DC Comics, American Express, Western Union, and the Grammys. He began his career in Washington, D.C., navigating the high seas of politics after graduating from Yale.

Guild Copeland
Sisu Co-Founder
Jill DaSilva
Digital Karma

Santa Monica College alumna and adjunct faculty member, Jill DaSilva, is the CEO and Founder of the UX Design agency, Digital Karma. Jill began programming at 8 years old and has been designing digital experiences since the early 2000s. Beyond her consulting work, Jill teaches and speaks globally about User Experience Design, is a mentor for UX Designers, and is an official Adobe XD Instructor.

Jill DaSilva
Digital Karma
Sam Anvari
California State University Long Beach Professor

Sam is a graphic designer and information architect with 18 years of direct hands-on experience in graphic and mobile/web design practice. Sam has an MFA in Graphic Design from OTIS College of Art and Design and a bachelor of science in Biomedical Engineering. Crossing over to Graphic Design with a Mathematics and Engineering background has given Sam the ability to look at communication challenges from a unique perspective. Sam views graphic design as a multidisciplinary practice between “Art” and “System Engineering” plus “Linguistics” with the goal to establish a clear and universally understandable dialogue.

Sam Anvari
California State University Long Beach Professor
Ben Denzinger
Product Designer, Macher

Ben Denzinger is a multi-disciplinary Industrial Designer dedicated to turning client dreams into successful realities. With over 17 years of design experience, he has collaborated with a diverse range of client teams, from Fortune 500 giants to spirited independent entrepreneurs. He holds a bachelor's degree in Industrial Design from Georgia Tech, a postgraduate certificate in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from the Stanford d.school, and has pursued continuing education through night courses at the Art Center College of Design. Ben is part of the MaCher USA team, based on the sunny streets of Abbot Kinney Blvd in Venice Beach, California. MaCher focuses on sustainability and making a positive impact and teams up with brands to help them shine, crafting thoughtful products and solutions that truly reflect their identities. As a certified B Corp and EcoVadis Platinum-rated company, MaCher is committed to using their business as a force for good!

Ben Denzinger
Product Designer, Macher
Will Gamez
Alumni + JPMorgan Chase

Will Gamez is a multidisciplinary designer/researcher and alumni of the IXD program. Will has leveraged his learnings to construct and facilitate design thinking workshops and organize user research studies that advocate for equitable, human centered design solutions within JPMorgan Chase.

Will Gamez
Alumni + JPMorgan Chase
Imani Ritchards
Field Marketing Specialist, SNAP

Imani Ritchards is the Director of Product Design at Snap Inc, where she leads a team of passionate and fearlessly creative designers. After earning her BA in Biology from Carleton College, Imani decided to pursue a creative career. She began her journey as a freelance illustrator and eventually returned to school to study Graphic Design and UX Design at Glendale Community College and Santa Monica College. After school, she interned on the Product Design Team at Snap Inc, and the rest is history. Outside of work, Imani loves to dance and get lost in a good book

Imani Ritchards
Field Marketing Specialist, SNAP
Ashanti Blaize
Associate Dean, CMD

Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins: An Emmy award-winning journalist, with decades of experience hosting news, entertainment and educational content across a multitude of media and digital platforms. Blaize-Hopkins is also the interim associate dean of the Center for Media and Design at Santa Monica College and the president of the national Society of Professional Journalists.

Ashanti Blaize
Associate Dean, CMD
Diane (aka “D”) Laughton
SMC IXD ‘18 Alum

Diane (aka “D”) Laughton
SMC IXD ‘18 Alum
Sheila Cordova
Department Chair

Sheila Cordova
Department Chair
Chris Chandler
Philosophie Product Strategy Director

Chris Chandler
Philosophie Product Strategy Director

Alumni Today

Flip the cards to connect on LinkedIn
Petula Pascall
Product Developer
Class of 2020
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Zachary Lalich
Associate UI Designer
Class of 2019
LinkedIn icon
Yuan Li
UX / UI Designer
Class of 2020
LinkedIn icon
Stephanie Hawken
Experience Designer
Class of 2019
LinkedIn icon
Shadae Kawaguchi
UX/ UI Designer
Class of 2020
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Roy Allen
Product Designer
Class of 2020
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Rhea Brown
Product Designer
Class of 2018
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Orhan Basak
Class of 2019
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Melody Hagedorn
UX Designer
Class of 2020
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Kathleen Hwang
Senior Web Designer
Class of 2019
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Emily Hedrick
UI Designer
Class of 2020
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Elsa Grayson
Digital Designer
Class of 2020
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Courtney Taylor
Design Intern
Class of 2020
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Casey McCallister
UX Designer
Class of 2018
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Brenna Carlstrom
Product Designer
Class of 2019
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Araseli Serrano
IxD Intern
Class of 2020
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