Glow in the Drip

Spring 2022
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We were challenged to develop an interactive experience centered around one or more of the characters from Convergence Station installation by Meow Wolf that bridges the physical and digital worlds to drive audience engagement with the brand.


To add value to the products and develop more brand notoriety, we designed eye-catching glow in the dark designs that have embedded QR codes to allow potential customers to engage further with the Meow Wolf experience by directing them to a dedicated webpage that showcases the exhibits at Convergence Station.


  • Digital experience like animated gifs or challenges can increase traffic and sales through engagement
  • Making products that have physical and digital relevance can add value to their shop and add brand recognition
  • Creating a conversation piece, such as the banana taped to wall at Art Basel, drives further engagement

Project Overview

We came up with “Eye-catching glow in the dark” designs that grab the attention of passersby and create two levels to the apparel with embedded QR codes.

Design Team

Bin Gao

Interaction Designer

Christian Suarez

Interaction Designer

Devin Anderson

Interaction Designer

Juan Zitara

Product Designer

Mathias Moslehi

Interaction Designer