The AI virtual assistant connecting Koreatown seniors
Mimi supplants the first-come-first-serve chaos at the Koreatown Senior and Community Center, helping users gather information and queue for class registration without ever having to arrive in person.
All services at the Koreatown Senior and Community Center run on a first-come-first-serve system. Holding one's place in a physical line leads to exertion and strain, and mobility barriers such as these will only prevent seniors from finding community. The center has been looking to move class registration online, but have refrained, as seniors 'don't know how to use the computer, or don't want to.'
Currently, the only parameter allowing users to gather information at the center, and take action, is physical presence. We hypothesized that if seniors are able to perform these operations digitally, this will result in them having more intentional trips to the center — they'll find they wait in line for less time, and have a better sense of what to expect when they're traveling to the center. We also spoke to classmates who routinely field calls from family members asking for tech help. What happens when those assistants are not available? We hypothesized that an artificial intelligence Senior Center representative, Mimi, could act as that assistant in a scalable manner, causing more seniors to adopt this new protocol.
Mimi is a friend and an agent, conversing with users and helping with both tasks and discovery. With Mimi, users will make educated decisions about lunch pickup, and gain a friendly assistant for class scheduling. She'll help members create their profiles, discover programs they’d like to sign up for, and allow them to take action at the center without having to travel in person.