Override Guide

Spring 2022
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Meow Wolf products attract inquisitive minds due to their unique and interesting features — they are often two unrelated objects combined that are simultaneously confusing and enticing.


The Override Guide is an interactive book that allows you to experience the Convergence Station at your own pace, anywhere and anytime. You can explore hidden features and translate secret languages using the augmented reality app, OvAR, and it contains exclusive Meow Wolf soundtracks and information about the geniuses behind the art.


  • The unconventional layout and non-linear storyline also causes confusion and disappointment for some visitors.
  • A one-day tour isn't enough to fully explore and experience the installations, and having only few locations makes it harder for users to visit and/or revisit, especially those who do not live in the locality.
  • Many fans have expressed their interest in the behind-the-scenes, such as the artists behind the installations, music being played at the exhibit, and the intriguing storyline.

Project Overview

We created an immersive literature take-home experience that serves as a memorabilia and an opportunity to relive and learn more about the Meow Wolf Convergence Station post-visit.

Design Team

Christina Strok

UX/UI Designer

Tess Dziallo

User Experience Designer

Samantha Heinrich

User Researcher

Noelle Tobias

Game Designer