
As described in the TEAM sections, each student group was asked to develop their own line of inquiry (and in turn, identified project specific insights). There were, however, certain insights that appeared across projects. These insights reflect some of the most common pain points for Hulu users in this study.


Participants found the font sizes and kerning of the text small, making it difficult to read. Subtitles are also not customizable for users’ visual preference.

ICONS & Images too small

Many of the participants did not know what the images and icons meant. They also felt that the images were really small and preferred it if there was only one image per movie on the screen at a time.


Vision impaired users often need high contrasting colors to see defined lines on the interface. Contrasting solid colors can help users define the lines of where an image or section ends.  Gradients make it hard for users to see defined lines and legibility of text.


Many participants who lack fine or gross motor control have difficulty using the touchscreen, due to the screens sensitivity to finger movement. Many users who have tremors have difficulty accurately clicking a button, especially when the button is small. The keys on a keyboard are also too small in size for individuals with fine motor impairment to accurately press.

Content Moves Too Fast

Users with cognitive delay have trouble processing the overwhelming amount of content displayed on the screen. Users were also frustrated at interactive content that appears and disappears from the screen very quickly, such as the hover or playback bar.


While browsing, many individuals were confused between which content were shows vs episodes. Due to the lack of good voice command software, users can’t effectively search for content.


Users felt that navigating through the website was confusing, due to the unclear labels of buttons and images. Some users could not access content that required a swiping motion to access when browsing so they missed a lot of content.


Some users rely on caregivers or family to help them access video streaming content. Often times, users forget their passwords and cannot log in. Forgetting the username or password makes logging in troublesome for those assisting and can take a really long time.

third party hardware

Many users rely on third party hardware to access video content. Sometimes the accessibility hardware is not compatible with the software. Hand-held remote controls are difficult to use for individuals with hand impairment. The UI is also not consistent between different platforms so users get confused on how to navigate the site.

voice command misunderstanding

User feel that voice over software is inconsistent and not effective in completing actions. When voice command is the user’s only method for navigating the website, they often are frustrated and have to repeat to complete an action or undo incorrect actions caused by the voiceover software misunderstanding the user.

finding the accessibility settings

Users had trouble finding accessibility settings for the site. Users also had trouble finding accessibility settings for the TV, which prevents them from adjusting the settings to their needs in order to have the best video watching experience.