The Library Foundation of Los Angeles (LFLA) provides critical support to the Los Angeles Public Library, resulting in free programs, resources, and services available to the millions of adults, children, and youth of Los Angeles.
The LFLA’s ALOUD program brings great thinkers together with a live audience for conversations, performances, and screenings, making it a powerful platform for showcasing LFLA’s values.
However, many attendees don’t always connect ALOUD with the Library Foundation, and there’s an opportunity to further highlight LFLA’s programs and ways to support the library.
This collaboration aimed to strengthen that connection by using ALOUD events to increase awareness of LFLA’s mission while enhancing the event experience for both in-person and virtual audiences.
Revitalizing ALOUD’s brand to boost visibility, engagement, and attendance.
Crafting a welcoming atmosphere that engages, informs, and leaves a lasting impression
Engaging ALOUD's virtual audience through branded graphics and chat moderation.